Thursday, July 8, 2010

Crime in D.C.

This is a map of Washington D.C. showing the locations of police stations. A graph showing the total number of crimes committed in the city is included.

Crime Density

Areas of burglaries, homicides, and sex abuse crimes in Washington D.C.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

wieghted overlay

These are images of the overlays 1 and 2. I had trouble adding my age choice to the models so they are not in the overlays.


These images show the distances to UWF and Whiting Field with one showing the age factor.

Santa Rosa County

This is a basemap of Santa Rosa County showing the cities , UWF, and Whiting Field which were my choices for locating a place to live. We needed to be close to Whiting Field for my husband and to UWF for me.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I had a little trouble with the third portion of the project. Some of the directions were a little confusing.

In the first overlay each factor had the same weight. It seems like that would make it more difficult to find the perfect place to live. In the second overlay they changed the weight of some factors which seemed to give them more options.


The four pictures above show the distances from the NFRMC and the University of Florida and house values and percentage of people ages 40-49 based on the couples criteria for finding a place to live in Alachua.